How to Improve Interview Confidence

Includes FREE Printable Checklist!

About Interview Confidence

Surprisingly, job seekers tend to lose their confidence after they secured an interview. Self-doubt starts to creep in (Hello, imposter syndrome!) and the spiral ensues.  Procrastination, denial, anxiety; people freak out when it comes to interviews.  People always think the absolute worst will happen, so they paralyze in fear and fail to plan. If you don’t plan when it comes to interviews, you will fail. A plan makes having confidence secondary, it comes with it.

You know what you are doing, and remember the most important thing: you’ve already impressed them (ahem, with your resume), they already want to meet you, the ball is in your court, and this is your game.

More Information

I offer additional assistance to help you prepare for your interview. Check out my services page, here.

FREE Printable Interview Checklist 

Improve Interview Confidence

Before the Interview

Practice. Seriously, practice your answers to common questions. This improves your confidence so much when actually in the hot seat.

Prepare. Interviewers are looking for a story. When you practice your answers, prepare stories using the “STAR method”–Situation Task Action Result

Research. Think a little more deeply after you researched the company. What did you learn and how could that knowledge benefit in the interview?

The Extra Mile

Plan. A proper plan improves focus and creates a sense of relief. Plan your outfit, childcare, transportation, errands, and backup plans well in advance. If something does go wrong call the interviewer to explain! We are human and things happen!

During the Interview

Confidence is key. The ball is in your court. Do not forget this. You are there for a reason. Your resume impressed them enough they wanted to meet you. And your answers will seal the deal. You got this.

What you say matters, but how you say it matters more. Everybody is human and we fumble answers to awkward questions, but interviewers remember people’s presence. Their tone, their posture, their eye contact, mannerisms. Take a deep breath, smile, and take your time answering the question.

The Extra Mile

The little details count. The little details blend into your overall presentation so they all matter. Firmly shake the interviewer’s hand. Bring a nice notepad with your questions prepared. Be impeccably dressed with not one hair out of place.

After the Interview

Send a Thank You Note or email. Use your instincts to figure out which one your interviewer would prefer and figure out how to get it there.

Be patient. Send a follow-up email only after the follow-up time has elapsed. (You did ask the interviewer what your next steps were and when you should hear from them, right?)

Don’t put all your eggs in this interview basket. Keep interviewing and improving your skills and confidence!



A Career Coach and Resume Writer who has seen transformative results in her clients for thirteen years through passion, collaboration, and hard work.

I’ve career coached hundreds of clients into success and after finally having the courage myself to practice what I preach I walked away from not one, not two, but three jobs in a row during the Great Resignation. Your greatest failures can lead to your greatest successes, and you do not have to settle for anything less than you deserve.